
I generally kept a habit of writing at least one post per month since the founding of this blog, but over the time, this law of gradually faded out. At some point, I began to write things not out of instant desire of sharing, but instead a pressure to record so that to make sure I am not wasting my life. That, is a sign of existentialism.

The word existentialism maybe quite confusing especially when translated into other languages (e.g., Chinese). The word itself seems to stress only the "existing" part, but as an English speaker we do know it has extended usage, e.g., stressing a matter of life-and-death importance, for instance "an existential threat". It carries the weighty, survival related significance beneath the surface.

Being a philosophy topic, existentialism is bound to be questioned and debated. Indeed, there are quite some branches I would disagree with (especially those parts regarding "to disparage scientific knowledge, and to deny the existence of objective values, stressing instead the reality and significance of human freedom and experience" which is quite popular among some existentialists. In fact, in this regard, I would not count myself as an existentialist at all. Then, since I don't really care if I am, so does that actually make me one now, ha! Reminding me of the apathy party in Futurama s02e07.

The whole thing of to "emphasize the existence of the individual person as a free and responsible agent determining their own development through acts of the will" makes it so funny that a real externalist, in my opinion, would be unable to define himself as an existentialist because tagging himself by an objective concept would eventually become obstacles to determine his own development out of free will.

Beware this is not a serious critique as there may be logic traps hidden. One rebuttal would be that the self-aligning to an objective concept would be out of free will, which of course cannot become obstacles to itself. However, in that case, it becomes quite difficult to discuss existentialism with each other because there would not be an objective standard to align the concept of existentialism with everyone.


Autarky is the characteristic of self-sufficiency, usually applied to societies, communities, states and their economic systems.

Autarky - Wikipedia

I came to know this word as a Nazi Germany economy policy in 1930s. It triggers me deep, as even for an already industrialized country, autarky is still an option.



莫爸难得上进一回,但全世界都似乎都要跟他作对,很容易怀疑他就是命中注定的loser。从荒诞的层面理解这个故事很爽,但如果仔细想想,莫爸为什么非要象牙白的打印纸,就不难发现,他是想要一个梦幻的开局,一个伟大的起点,最好充满仪式感,能配得上loser翻身的彻底与神奇。可这不是追求完美,而是在寻求拖延。 就像我们最爱的新年计划,或者在20岁,30岁生日许个心愿,仿佛买入下一个节点,一切都会突然改变,人会变得特别上进,事情会变得特别顺。我们喜欢这种仪式感,几乎每年都会来一次,道理和莫爸非要用象牙白的纸类似,往往是对现状不满或者焦虑,所以才期待一个伟大的转折。因为细小的进步很难安抚人心,它必须足够伟大才能消除焦虑。 即使找到了象牙白的简历纸,我想莫爸还是会找各种事情“刁难”自己,这样他就能把失败甩锅给这个世界。所以并不是他以努力全世界都跟着作对,为是他自己跟自己作对。冰冻三尺,非一日之寒。他幻想着一把大火给自己解冻,可有看不起脚下的爝火微光。




仪式 举行典礼的程序、形式 ——现代汉语词典














